What do the lyrics of Steely Dan’s hit “Gaucho” mean? That is a question we’ll explore in this article. Steely Dan are an American rock band. Their song “Gaucho” has a resonant, lyrical meaning. The lyrics are about a hipster who thinks he’s “hip”. It’s more like the characters of Warren Zevon, a musician who became famous in the 1970s.
The narrator of the song is unaware of the connotations of the word “Custerdome.” His narrator is unmoved by this, but the music in the chorus shows his support for disreputable lovers who need the Custerdome to keep their love life afloat. This song also has a dark, cryptic message: “Another woman wants to cling to me, but I can’t.”
The band’s lyrics are as cryptic as their music. While they’ve always been cryptically sardonic, the lyrics in ‘Gaucho’ are short stories in their own right. Steely Dan’s characters define themselves largely by their style and mood. Their sour-sweet pop-jazz sound and modal harmonics highlight their characters’ desperate and angsty looks.
Another song starring Steely Dan has a particularly twisted message: a gay couple, a drug dealer, and a narcotic lover. Steely Dan loves drugs, and this song is no different. It is about the narcotic side of life, and references to drugs and the people who sell them. The lyrics of Hey Nineteen are extremely revealing, as it begins with “boy we can’t miss.”